Community Relations Policy

It is TILONE’s policy to always have good relationship with the communities where we work. This ensures good working environments. It is also the company’s policy to provide for the communities in which we operate. The company tries as much as possible to employ members of these host communities. This employment is not restricted just to the labour aspect but also the technical personnel too; however, to ensure that the job is done to specification and safely too, we restrict all employment especially on very technical jobs to people with proven records of good working abilities.

It is also company policy to provide social amenities for the communities in which we work. Social amenities include provision of water, rehabilitation of existing roads etc. this enables us to work better and also increase our relationship with the host community.

The highlights of Tilone’s Corporate Community Relation Policy are as follows;

  • To establish a world class community relation programme that will bring about sustainable development to the host communities.
  • To work in partnership with host communities, from the inception of any project through proper enlightenment programmes, regularly scheduled community relation forum etc.
  • To involve where practically possible the host community in planning the execution of any project.
  • To continually have an open means of communication with the host community
  • To continuously offer assistance to host communities through community development projects, and any other way the company may be of assistance to the communities.
  • To be in regular contact with the communities, and monitor companies relationship with community through social visits and also through the extension of invitation to community leaders, executives of Community Development Committees,(C.D.C.), interest groups e.t.c.

Community Relations Plan

TILONE shall employ atleast 75% of her unskilled labour for her projects from members of the Host Community.

TILONE  will try as much as possible not to disturb the host community’s cultural heritage; i.e. we shall as much as possible not encroach unto the cultural and traditional beliefs of the people, as this brings disharmony between the host community and the Contractor.

In the past, our approach to community relations is to first undertake a ground reconnaissance to identify the communities within the project area, and make initial contact with them. Firstly, through their community heads, and later the Chiefs, Community Development Committee (CDC), Youth Organizations, and other interest groups in the communities.

In these meetings we interact with members of the host communities, and explain to them our objectives for the project, and what our client expects from us. It is also our tradition to summon these meetings and provide refreshment for the attendees.

During these meetings the host community is informed to nominate an indigene, who will work with Tilone as the Community Liaison Officer (C.L.O.)

 1.3  Community Relations Organization

 10.3.1 M.D/C.E.O.

He has the overall responsibility of dealing with community relation issues and takes final decisions on such matters.

1.3.2 Community Liaison Officer

He must be a native of the host community where Tilone is executing a project. He is responsible for the co-ordination of all community relation issues as it involves the host community. He reports directly to the Executive Director Projects, thus emphasising the importance we attach to community relation.

Tilone Vision

TILONE SUBSEA LIMITED is a Marine Contracting, Subsea Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (I.M.R.), Engineering, and Environmental Services company.

The company was originally incorporated on the 18th day of March 1993 as TILONE (NIGERIA) Limited, with Registration Certificate Number 218492 and commenced business on the 1st of June 1993.


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  +234 7031627350 & +2348033403579
  +234 84 460206
  127 Fiddil Commercial Avenue, Off Ordinance Junction, Trans Amadi Industrial Layout P.O. Box 7579, Port Harcourt, Nigerias

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